02 August 2024

Embracing the UK’s Seasonal Elements

As UK weather is influenced by the surrounding waters (Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea, North Sea and The English Channel), we have a temperate maritime climate. Whereas other northern hemisphere climates are typically continental or polar. We experience milder temperatures, frequent precipitation, and our weather varies throughout the year as our seasons change. Our seasons are typically:

  • Spring: The transition from winter to summer, with a gradual rise in temperature and changeable weather. Daylight hours increase and days gradually become longer. Although temperatures are milder, occasional cold spells can still occur in the earlier parts of the season. Flowers bloom, vegetation grows and birds and wildlife return.
  • Summer: Longer days with more stable conditions: brighter, clearer skies, with more sunshine, and warmer temperatures; occasional heatwaves. Flowers continue to bloom.
  • Autumn: Transition from summer to winter. Temperatures begin to drop. Less daylight as days become shorter and nights longer. Leaves on trees change colour from green to red, orange, and brown, before shedding completely. Morning mist and fog occurs more with the cooler temperatures. Birds often migrate to warmer climates.
  • Winter: Colder temperatures, shorter days. A mix of weather conditions including frost, ice and occasional snow. Our winters are less extreme compared to other continental or polar climates. Due to the infrequent nature of cold winters in the UK, the infrastructure to deal with colder winters is not always in place. At Ice Watch, however, we can help with our nationwide winter maintenance services.

Our seasons are becoming warmer due to climate change. In recent years our summers have been hotter and drier, reaching over 40°C in 2022, and our winters milder and wetter, with a greater chance of frost and ice.  The hottest day recorded so far this year (2024) was 31.9°C recorded at St James’s Park, central London on 19th July. Understanding the UK climate, helps Ice Watch implement an effective winter maintenance plan that responds to changeable weather conditions; providing gritting services to reduce risks associated with frost and ice, and snow clearing services in response to snow.


Ice Watch are a leading nationwide provider of winter maintenance services across the UK. We provide specialist 24/7 forecasting services as well as snow removal and gritting services for numerous public and private sector clients.

Contact the Ice Watch team today https://icewatch.co.uk/contact-us/

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